Money Monday!

Tips for Buying and Selling Cars in Today’s Market 

As we emerge from the pandemic, it seems to be a good time to be a seller of things, particularly houses and cars. I’ve been advising clients to consider selling if they own an infrequently used vacation home, a not-so-profitable rental property, or an extra vehicle.

However, if you need to buy a car now, there are steps you can take to avoid massively overpaying. This article from Forbes sums it up nicely:

If you do own a car and want to get an idea of its value, it’s simpler than ever.  Services such as, Carvana, and CarMax attempt to make selling your car easier than traditional methods by giving you a no-haggle price with little effort on your part.

Good Luck!



This material is being provided for information purposes only and is not a complete description, nor is it a recommendation. 
Any opinions are those of Wheeler Financial LLC and not necessarily those of Raymond James.  Raymond James is not affiliated with nor endorses, Carvana, and CarMax.    






