Shelley Consiglio

Shelley Consiglio

Client Services Manager


My role at Wheeler Financial is wonderfully varied as I support and work closely with the entire team! I work with Jay on much of the special event planning, weekly newsletter, website content, marketing efforts, and general administrative responsibilities. I support Jim with client meeting preparation and follow-up activities, Kim with scheduling and Chris with strategic and operational efficiencies.

I’m a graduate of Widener University and have had an interesting career journey including Banquet Sales, Pharmaceutical Data Management, Financial Software Onboarding and Project Management. In all these experiences, my focus has been on customer service with the internal and external client, which serves me well in my role at Wheeler Financial.

I grew up in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and love the outdoors.  I’ve lived in Fair Hill, Maryland since 1998 and love the easy access to hiking trails and all that the Natural Resource Area has to offer (right out of my backyard!). I also love to cook and enjoy any kind of outdoor music I can find. I am married with 2 daughters and 3 stepsons.
