New Year’s Pre-Resolution

I know.  Many people want to skip over the rest of 2020 and pretend it’s 2021.  I may just have the way to do that.  Including today, there are 70 days left in 2020.  What if you made a New Year’s pre-resolution now.  Maybe you could achieve a goal that would create a springboard for an even bigger goal on January 1, 2021.  Or, maybe you wouldn’t gain the 10 pounds that you would resolve to lose 70 days from now.  Also, you can consider revisiting your 2020 resolution/goals they may have gotten thrown off track by the pandemic. 

Where do I come in?  If you resolved today to put together a a solid plan for your financial goals such as  the car, the vacations, retirement planning, the beach house, the family gifting and so on, I can help.  I’ve attached a link to our website which describes what it’s like to get started with Wheeler Financial.

Best wishes for you for the rest of this wild and crazy year.  I hope you will find clarity and reach your goals as we come down the home stretch.

