Money Monday!

SHOUT OUT TO OUR FAVORITE TEACHERS!! Now that teachers have made it through this CHALLENGING year, I’m using my blog to recognize 6 of my many teachers whose work I especially appreciate:

Mr. Twilley- Biology, Brandywine High School- He made Bio so much fun.  My fellow Bulldogs will remember his funny tricks to remember things like Platyhelminthes. Because of him, I take the approach of being a teacher with my clients.

Mrs. Ryan- English, St. Mary Magdalen- Memorizing “Twas the Night Before Christmas” was difficult at the time, but I think of Mrs. Ryan every December when I recite it to my kids. 

Mr. Rocchia- English, Brandywine High School- He challenged a kid who didn’t love reading to stick with it.  I still don’t love reading, but I now devour audiobooks.

Ms. Fantine (Sanderson)- Math, Brandywine High School- She called me out once when I was giving less than my best effort in her math class. I will never forget that.

Dr. Helfman- Leadership, Integrity & Change, University of Delaware- She inspired this college kid to start thinking BIG and collaborating with others.

Dr. Debessay- Accounting, University of Delaware- His approach helped me develop my own style of working with clients as I “take a lighthearted approach to a serious subject.”  Plus, he took us out for beers after the final for his class. 



